Even in the era of the World Wide Web, traditional print still matters. If newspapers and magazines can stay alive, then you can still use print to your advantage!
The written word has been around for thousands of years. The printed word is only several hundred years old. The Internet is the latest great leap forward when it comes to disseminating printed information. Even in the era of the World Wide Web, traditional print still matters. If newspapers and magazines can stay alive, then you can still use print to your advantage!
It’s Something to Hold Onto
Tangibility is important. When you put your message in print, it’s something that your audience can hold onto – in other words, they can touch it, feel it, and in some cases smell it too. There’s a certain level of physical interaction with printed products that makes them unique – think about how pleasurable it is to flip through old books even though eBooks and audiobooks are becoming increasingly popular.
It Increases Credibility
Printed materials also increase credibility. For a small business or a start-up that is just getting off the ground, this is invaluable. You want to indicate to your audience how much value your message has and one way to do that is through the print mediums available to you.
It Builds a Personal Connection
Increasing your income streams takes plenty of time and effort. This investment will pay off in the end, though, especially when you are striving to build a personal relationship with your customers and clients. Direct mail campaigns and digital advertising campaigns are both great ways to reach your audience; be more conscious of demographics within your audience that are underserved and that you are consequently trying to reach out to.
It Increases Engagement
Engagement also matters – how you achieve isn’t as important as simply bringing attention to your content. Believe it or not, there is a 30% higher engagement in print than in digital media and advertising – this is not to say that digital marketing is worthless but readers are far less distracted because there aren’t comments or other ads getting in the way of reading comprehension.
It Sticks
This may sound odd, but science has shown that print has a certain “stickiness” to it. What does this mean? It’s easier to retain information from a printed source than from a digital one; plus, print is surprisingly convincing.
It’s an Invitation
Unlike other formats, print is still an invitation, metaphorically speaking at least. It doesn’t disturb or disrupt what your audience is doing. Your audience can peruse it at their leisure. This is different from ads delivered through online means, or via TV or radio.
Let Time Printers Help With Your Design
Whether you know already how your marketing materials should look or you want further advice, Time Printers is here to help. We service all of Baltimore, Hunt Valley, and Towson. Our team of professionals can tackle all of your questions. Give us a call at 410-566-3005 and be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn for tips and to see what we have been working on and what we can do for you.