Looking To Enhance Your Commercial Printing? Consider These Helpful Tips

When you decide to have a project professionally printed, it is usually because you want it to look flawless. You want a finished product that looks professional. However, even the best printers cannot perform miracles, and if the original file and design are flawed, the product will appear low quality. Here are four pointers to keep in mind when for your commercial printing techniques.

Time Printers Incorporated Commercial Printing Tips

Put these tips to use for all of your commercial printing needs.

Focus On Your Fonts

If you use the standard fonts on software programs, your printer will also need to have them. However, if you purchase specialty fonts, you must send the font files to the printer. Without them, the printer will open the file and display an undesired look.

Use High-Quality Images

Make sure any images you use in your project are high-resolution. Images should have a resolution of at least 300 dpi. The photos from a digital camera should be suitable for most projects. You can also use a photo editing program to modify images.

Reducing Bleeding Is A Priority

Printed sheets are more significant than your dimensions and must be cut down to fit. If you want images or design elements to flow, they must extend past the edge of your file. This is often referred to as bleed. Printers typically require a 1/8-inch bleed on all sides. This way, if the cuts are slightly off, there will be no unintended white borders within your product.

Let Time Printers Assist You with Your Covid-Safe Printing Needs for the Rest of 2022!

Whether you already know how your latest print products should look or want further advice, Time Printers is here to help! We service all of Baltimore, Hunt Valley, and Towson. Our team of professionals can answer all of your burning questions. Give us a call at 410-566-3005, and be sure to follow us on FacebookTwitterPinterest, and LinkedIn for tips and see what we have been working on and what we can do for you. We hope to hear from you soon!

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