The first step is to determine how much demand there is for your books or souvenir journals. Think of this as market research.
If your company or school needs to start a fundraising campaign, then you’re in luck! Whether you want to choose a project such as a commemorative book, a yearbook, or a souvenir journal, all three options can make for a money-spinner. Here is a closer look at how to use this to your advantage!
Determine the Demand
The first step is to determine how much demand there is for your books or souvenir journals. Think of this as market research. Although you might take it for granted, it is one of the most crucial parts of the entire process. Consider different ways to expand your potential audience to maximize your return on investment.
Acquire the Photos
Once that is done, you will need to collect all of the images you want to include in your books and souvenir journals. One potential idea to drive up sales is to add different images, but be sure to include high-quality photos all the same. Anything too blurry or pixelated won’t do. Talk to students or former organization members for any photographs they might have in their collections that they might be willing to contribute.
Create the Layout
With the pictures ready to go, you will now create the layout for the souvenir journals. Smaller books can be designed through special software or laid out with help from online services, but here is some food for thought: it is much more worth your while to work with a professional printer, such as the team at Time Printers!
Begin Selling Ads
Once you have an idea of the layout for your souvenir journal, you can start selling ad space in it. Different ad sizes should carry different rates. Contact local businesses and get them onboard – share and share alike!
Add the Photos
All photographs, captions, and ads need to be combined in a tasteful way that is appealing to the eye. This phase is where you make sure all of that happens according to internal or external deadlines. Professional printers will produce a model book for you to approve before it enters production.
Print the Book Itself
At this point, the books and journals should be approved. Once they are, they can be duplicated into a large batch of copies that you might not have the resources to do by yourself.
Sell the Souvenir Journals
Start selling the journals, and watch the profits stack up!
Let Time Printers Help With Your Design
Whether you know already how your marketing materials should look or you want further advice, Time Printers is here to help. We service all of Baltimore, Hunt Valley, and Towson. Our team of professionals can tackle all of your questions. Give us a call at 410-566-3005 and be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn for tips and to see what we have been working on and what we can do for you.