Posts Tagged ‘getting married’

Wedding Season: Love in the Time of COVID

Friday, October 2nd, 2020
Wedding Season: Love in the Time of COVID

But now a new challenger has appeared to throw the typical wedding season into chaos. That challenger is the COVID-19 pandemic, with a renewed emphasis on social distancing.

Once upon a time, sweethearts separated by time and space could only communicate through snail-mail letters. The advent of better technology has allowed loving bonds to flourish even with physical separation being an obstacle. Phone calls, email chains, text messages, and the Internet community at large has helped provide options for overcoming anything that gets in the way of your grand romance. But now a new challenger has appeared to throw the typical wedding season into chaos. That challenger is the COVID-19 pandemic, with a renewed emphasis on social distancing. So how can you still make sure your happily-ever-after goes off without a hitch? We’re glad you asked (more…)