Getting your name out there will make you more marketable. Hand out business cards!
Designing your business card the right way will dictate whether or not people will read it. Scattering a disarray of text, symbols and color will only create a clutter of information your professional contacts may get lost in. Your business card is important! It provides a brief, glimpse of your title, capabilities, and qualifications. Handing it out to the right person could be your next big career move! Learn more about marketing yourself by following our tips on creating the perfect business card.
Size and Paper Quality Matter
Trying to hand out business cards that are two sizes too big is a little awkward. You’re going to want to give a business contact something they can easily slip into their wallet. That way, they’ll have something easily referenceable. The typical card size is 3.5”x2”. Its small and compact size will make it easy for you to hand out to a multitude of people. Just keep a pile of them in your wallet just-in-case. Your business card is often the first impression your audience gets.. Using sturdy paper material will speak to your commitment to furthering yourself professionally. Thicker business cards are usually thought of as more luxurious. Your career advancement holds weight. Show your future employers with hefty card stock. They need to know you mean business!
Catch Your Reader’s Eye
More important than the information on your card is the way in which it’s presented. Catch your reader’s eye. Add color, and make it as aesthetically pleasing as possible without overdoing it. Too much pizzazz will look unprofessional. Business cards designed with color are less likely to be thrown away. Entice your reader! Have your color scheme match your business’s purpose or your personal field. Own a landscaping company? Throw in some cool greens. Pool cleaning service? Light blues, and yellows will remind people of cooling off on hot days.
Provide All the Right Information
Clearly communicate who you are and what you have to offer. You want to do this with as little words as possible when designing your business card. People do not like reading walls of text, so avoid those lengthy paragraphs. They don’t need a novel, just a short commercial that gives them a taste of your experiences and qualifications. Your text must be readable, as well. Do not use a font smaller than 8pt, for some potential employers make have trouble reading it. The more work you make your reader do, the less they’ll want to read it. That being said, the font style itself should look professional. Comic sans, or curly cursive are difficult to read and too casual. Times New Roman, calibri, or arial are easily read and reminiscent of professional writing (news, proposals, scholarly articles etc.) If you want to be taken seriously, you must first present yourself in such a way. After all, the way you present yourself is, in fact, the way you’re perceived.
Stay on Your Game in This Competitive Job Market with Time Printers
Time Printers is a full-service printing products and services business located in Baltimore, Maryland. Our graphics team of experienced professionals can help you bring your vision to life in a timely and affordable manner. Our unique portfolio speaks for us and our quality services.
To learn more about our professionally done business card printing and design services, please give Time Printers a call at 410.566.3005. At Time Printers, we believe it is our job to make you look good! Quality products will help you land that dream job!
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